In 2018, alongside launching 'Sponsor a Pony' for individuals, we started working with a number of local businesses to gain corporate sponsorship for each pony.
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors, Russell and Co came forward to support us, sponsoring Donald and funding all his costs in 2018.
"RDA is a charity that has been close to our family for some time as my mother in law volunteered for many years in Essex and my wife would often help out as she was growing up. As a family we love horses, they are amazing creatures and have seen first hand how much they can benefit those that your charity supports.
Primarily this will be a company donation, we have also collected funds in our two offices and whenever we carry out work for clients where we don’t levy a charge, we have invited them to make a contribution instead." Andy Russell, Russell & Co.
The Trustees wish to extend their grateful thanks to Andy and his team at Russell and Co. for their support.
