Our biggest fundraising events of the year, to support the brilliant work HB&L RDA do each year giving therapeutic riding sessions to over 100 children and adults each week, are open for entries. Taking place on the last Sunday in June and September 2025.

You can be part of our fantastic events in a number of different ways:
Be a rider - enter one or both (why not - we usually change the course direction to give you a different view!) of our amazing sponsored rides and enjoy the wonderful experience of crossing the 1,000 acre private parkland of the beautiful Clandon Park estate. Jumps are all optional and go from 40cm - 80cms - with new jumps added for this year!
Tell all your horsey friends to enter the ride - and get further sponsorship. We have previously received great prizes for those who raised the most sponsorship from our awesome supporters - including Betty Bramble, Gemma J jewellery, the Onslow Arms, the Gomshall Mill, Harriet Glen Designs and Derby Equestrian. If you want to donate a fabulous prize please get in touch!
Be a volunteer on the day - come and help participate in this year's events - work the car park, be a marshal, open the gates, wear a great big smile and know you are doing something great to help your fav RDA charity. Perfectly acceptable to nominate partners and drop them off for the day if you need some peace and quiet!
Be on the committee - help with the administration for the event (you will be very warmly welcomed - especially if you are good at FB event management!)
Offer to make some sandwiches or lunches / cakes for the volunteers on the day - this is the BEST PART about being a volunteer so it's important that all the goodies are simply scrummy. We would need these made and delivered on the Saturdays prior to the events.
Help out the day before - when we usually have our RDA ponies test run the course and we are always grateful of hands to guide them through the lush fields of green - some of their eyes are bulging and a delicious snack is a top priority (FRECKLES YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!)
Come and help with set up for each Sponsored Ride - are you an organisation who can arrange charity days out - setting up the course, banging in signs, putting up flags, stapling the numbers are all part of the fun. We've had great fun with our friends at Zest Benefits and Sedgwick who supported us in 2024 (read our previous blog: Thank you to all the brilliant people at Sedgwick) - so please get in touch if this appeals
Be a sponsor. Sponsor a jump, sponsor the rosettes, sponsor the gateways, sponsor the car parking marshals, sponsor anything that moves (maybe not the horses) but be a part of this brilliant event and promote your brand to all who attend - let us know if you'd like to be involved
Join us on the day - got a mobile tack shop, want to display your business prominently, have a local pop up shop that would fit in - we have plenty of space in our car parking field and options to suit
That's 9 ways you can join in the fun. Please spread the word and make sure that our 2025 events are the best yet!
For points 2-9 above please get in touch: horsleyandbookhamrda@hotmail.co.uk